Organising Chairlady

Christine Choo

I wanted to create a space where Penang’s youth could come together, meet new people, and just have a great time. I’ve always believed that building strong connections is key to a thriving community, and what better way to do that than around a campfire? It was all about good vibes, fun memories, and strengthening bonds—and I think we nailed it!

Amazing Night!

Penang’s youth came together for an evening filled with laughter, new friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime. The warm glow of the fire set the perfect atmosphere for everyone to relax, share stories, and truly connect with one another. By the end of the night, bonds were tightened, and we all left with a better understanding of each other. It was an unforgettable experience that brought our community closer together. Can’t wait for the next one!